A Blog About Intellectual Property Litigation and the District of Delaware

Entries for tag: Voir Dire

Yes, real jurors would not be dressed like this. You'll have to use your imagination.
Yes, real jurors would not be dressed like this. You'll have to use your imagination. AI-Generated, displayed with permission

I think most attorneys admire counsel who can think outside-the-box and push the law forward.

I still remember the original, magistrate-judge-level oral argument in TC Heartland, where the Court asked counsel "if your argument is correct . . . there's really only two venues in which the suit can go forward, am I right?" and counsel answered with the oral argument equivalent of "yup"—even though that outcome was directly contrary to controlling Federal Circuit precedent and how everyone had done things for decades.

Then they appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, and changed the law for everybody. Mic …