A Blog About Intellectual Property Litigation and the District of Delaware

United States District Court for the District of Delaware

Critical Error
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At this point, several of our judges here require parties seeking summary judgment to file a separate concise statement of materials facts. Parties often seem to stumble over this requirement and, as we've discussed before, doing it wrong can be a great way to get your summary judgment motion denied.

In The Estate of Edward Bovee v. Corporal Sam Wilks, C.A. No. 23-192-CFC (D. Del.), the parties' agreed-upon scheduling order included Chief Judge Connolly's normal language requiring concise statements:

Any motion for summary judgment shall be accompanied by a separate concise statement detailing each material fact as to which the moving party contends that there are no genuine issues to be …

Parties stipulate to drop various claims and defenses all of the time. Sometimes, the parties simply bargain with each other to winnow down the scope of the case for trial. Other times, a defense or claim may be dropped to avoid some especially harsh discovery burden. Sometimes you just hate a patent claim sooo much.

Always there are dangers. For one rule is supreme in the realm of stipulations.

No takebacks.

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Such was the lesson this week in Allergan, Inc. v. Mankind Pharma Ltd., C.A. No. 23-272-JFM, D.I. 126 (D. Del. July 24, 2024). The defendant, Mankind, had stipulated to drop all invalidity defenses as to one patent "because it would streamline the case and would allow them to avoid answering discovery requests" and because "the 504 patent had been unsuccessfully challenged in the past and the invalidity theories that remained were weak." Id. at 4.

A bit later Judge Andrews issued is opinion in Allergan USA, Inc. v. MSN Labs. Private Ltd., C.A. No. 19-1727-RGA (D. Del. Sept. 27, 2023), which we covered previously on the blog. TL;DR Judge Andrews held (for the first time in the district) that OTDP applied when the first-filed, and first-issued, patent was the one being invalidated.

All of a sudden, the defendant realized that they might have a real humdinger of a defense and so they moved to "vacate" the earlier stipulation in anticipation of the Federal Circuit affirming the decision in MSN.

Visiting Judge Murphy, however, held that this ...

A short post today to flag another interesting aspect of Judge Williams' opinion in Upsher-Smith Laboratories, LLC v. Zydus Pharmaceuticals (USA) Inc., C.A. No. 21-1132-GBW (D. Del. July 18, 2024) which Andrew wrote about last week.

Pictured: me, stealing Andrew's leftovers
Pictured: me, stealing Andrew's leftovers Oskar Holm, Unsplash

The Plaintiff there moved in limine to preclude the defendants' expert from testifying under rule 403 (and most other rules of evidence). The only problem was that this was a bench trial, where 403 is something of an awkward fit, as noted by Judge Williams in denying the motion:

While Rule 403 permits the Court to exclude relevant evidence if its relevance is outweighed by the potential for "unfair prejudice, confusing the …

No Dogs Allowed
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It's usually risky to send long, unsolicited letters to the Court seeking relief, particularly with extensive argument. Generally you are well served to keep letters short and limited or you may annoy the Court.

The Court frequently says that it prefers parties to make requests for relief by motion rather than letter. This is even included most (maybe all) of the judges' form scheduling orders:

Applications by Motion. Except as otherwise specified herein, any application to the Court shall be by written motion. Any non-dispositive motion should contain the statement required by Local Rule 7.1.1 [that the parties have verbally met-and-conferred with local counsel on the line].

But the Court doesn't always enforce this. It's not …

An AI rendering of an object that is both a sword and a shield. I can't argue with it.
An AI rendering of an object that is both a sword and a shield. I can't argue with it. AI-Generated, displayed with permission

There are certain exclusion arguments that stand out as tending to work more often than others—things like a Rule 702 motion for failure to apportion, a motion to exclude a Doctrine of Equivalents argument offered for the first time in a reply expert report, or a motion to exclude an exhibit not on the exhibit list. It's not that they win every single time, but parties often seem to have an uphill battle against them.

Another argument on that list is "using privilege as a sword and a shield." It's not uncommon for a party to get …

Eds. Note -- I had this whole 10 line joke song about means plus function claims to the tune of conjunction junction, then I lost power for a second and its all gone. Just imagine it was groundbreaking stuff. Hug your generators folks.

She's so lonely
She's so lonely Dima Solomin, Unsplash

Judge Andrews issued an interesting decision yesterday that illustrates the unique difficulties of proving infringement of a means + function claim.

In ViaTech Techs., Inc. v. Adobe Inc., C.A. No. 20-538-RGA (D. Del. July 17, 2024), the Court construed a means + term as having two functions:

  1. communicating with a dynamic license database, and
  2. monitoring use of the digital content by a user to determine (yadda, yadda, not …

Is it such a long flight?
Is it such a long flight? AI-Generated, displayed with permission

It's hard to believe it has been almost a year, but last August we wrote about a Mavexar-related witness who refused to travel to Delaware to testify, instead insisting that she would offer testimony only remotely.

The Court fined her $200 per day for contempt of Court. She immediately appealed, arguing that the Court cannot force her to attend as she is outside of the 100-mile subpoena radius permitted under FRCP 45. The Court denied her motion to stay the fine pending appeal.

Yesterday, the Federal Circuit issued an order affirming the contempt sanction (and doing so pretty enthusiastically). The Federal Circuit made clear that the Court's inherent authority absolutely …

Remote trial testimony was briefly a hot-button issue in the district (on account of the whole plague thing). But in our new, vaccinated, world it has receded to a background issue only rarely surfacing.

Todd Cravens, Unsplash

So there's not many opinions on exactly what sort of hardships might qualify someone to testify remotely under Rule 43(a). Thankfully Judge Fallon's opinion today in AAG Glass, LLC v. Laminados de Aller, S.A., C.A. No. 21-638-SRF (D. Del. July 15, 2024) (Mem. Order), gives us a few examples of what hardships do not justify remote testimony.

Losing Your Visa After A DUI

Okay, this one is a bit of a gimme. The defendant witness, Roberta Garcia, was a …

Mason Kimbarovsky, Unsplash

In Koninklijke Philips N.V. v. Thales DIS AIS USA LLC, C.A. No. 20-1713 (D. Del.), the plaintiff brought patent infringement claims for several patents, plus a DJ claim seeking a declaratory judgment of no FRAND license defense, citing a previous Delaware case finding no such defense absent a sworn affidavit that the defendant would sign a global FRAND license.

In the alternative, if the defendant submitted a signed affidavit, Plaintiff's complaint sought a "declaratory judgment determining the appropriate worldwide FRAND licensing terms for Philips’ world-wide portfolio of patents under ETSI policies."

With its answer, the defendant included just such a signed affidavit, along with its own DJ counterclaim and breach of contract counterclaim …

Danger Landmines
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One of our more popular posts over time has been a post about what you can and cannot stipulate to in D. Del.

In the post, we note that certain kinds of stipulations are kinda iffy, in that "the parties can file a stipulation [about the issue] but the Court may deny or modify it, or the stipulation may have unexpected consequences." One of those categories is requests to move the trial date.

We got a good example of that this week in Rotolight Limited v. Videndum PLC, C.A. No. 22-0098-JLH, D.I. 119 (D. Del. July 8, 2024). The parties tried to stipulate to move the trial date back by …