A Blog About Intellectual Property Litigation and the District of Delaware

Entries for tag: Pennypack

I am from Minnesota. Home of the noble loon, and dainty ladyslipper. It is a harsh place. I have read in books of lands where a person's word is all they have -- a sacred thing that must be protected at all costs. To barter it away is to invite the most dire peril.

I wasn't really using it much anyway...
I wasn't really using it much anyway... AI-Generated, displayed with permission

Minnesota is not such a place. The winds are fickle there, and everyone understands that most commitments are contingent upon a (sometimes unlikely) confluence of fortuitous occurrences. If you way, I'll visit Gramma this weekend, there's an implied "if it's not too cold." If you say "I'll bring the cheeseburger soup" it's understood that you …

As an old dog, I'm always excited to learn a new trick. For instance here is me being taught to fetch:

Contact me for the full series of videos wherein, after many weeks of simply throwing the ball on the ground for me to pick up, she throws it right back to me.
Contact me for the full series of videos wherein, after many weeks of simply throwing the ball on the ground for me to pick up, she throws it right back to me. Bellini, displayed with permission

As a lawyer, this often takes the form of some new novel argument that I might want to try out myself. Sometimes, however, a new trick turns out to be particularly ill-fated.

The defendant in Bausch & Lomb Incorporated et al v. SBH Holdings LLC, C.A. No 20-1463-GBW-CJB (D.I. 250 (D. Del. Feb. 5, 2025) (Oral Order), moved for summary judgment under of no infringement under the DOE based on the disclosure-dedication doctrine. The problem was that plaintiff had served a rog asking for defendant's non-infringement contentions, and the defendant had not disclosed this theory. So, the plaintiff moved to strike the argument.

The defendant countered that, since disclosure-dedication is based upon the specification itself (which plaintiff obviously had), and is decided by the Court as a matter of law, there was no need to disclose the theory in response to a rog (this is the bit I hadn't seen before).

Judge Burke, however, disagreed, and granted the motion to strike:

Defendant’s arguments have no merit. Fed. R. Civ. P. 33(b)(2) says that a party must respond to an interrogatory within 30 days, and Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e) says that a party must supplement a response to an interrogatory in a timely fashion if, inter alia, it learns that a prior disclosure is incomplete or incorrect. There is no exception to these rules of the kind Defendant suggests. Just like every other party in a patent case, Defendant had to timely respond to contention interrogatories—a means of discovery that plays an important narrowing role in patent litigation. Defendant’s view to the contrary would, if permitted, wrongly allow a party—and not the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure—to determine whether it has to follow the discovery rules in a patent case, and to dictate what theories it does and doesn’t have to disclose. For all of these reasons, there can be no doubt that Defendant’s incredibly late disclosure of the DD theory in its summary judgment briefing (filed in September 2024) amounts to an untimely disclosure under Rule 26(e).

Id. (internal citations omitted).

The Court then went on to analyze the issue under Pennypack, finding that each of the factors were neutral or supported exclusion.

I'm a baker. I was born of flour and heat and fermented in this big jar we call life. My original starter, Yeasty Boy, has sired many children that live lives of plenty. His grandchild, breAD-Rock, sits upon my counter as I type, growing fat on apple peels.

AI-Generated, displayed with permission

One of the first lessons of baking is that some ingredients can be modified or omitted without any real worry. You trade rosemary for thyme in your focaccia and everything's honky dory. On the other hand, if you switch the strong bread flour to whole wheat, you have crossed a moral line from which there may be no return. Some ingredients are simply more important, and some substitutions …

Eventually we may run out of penny images for these Pennypack posts. But not yet.
Eventually we may run out of penny images for these Pennypack posts. But not yet. Sebastian Enrique, Unsplash

Yes, this is yet another Pennypack post. I can't resist. It's a tough-to-apply standard that impacts many cases (patent and otherwise). And it can sometimes seem to reward bad behavior by litigants, even—maybe especially—when applied as written.

But not this time! In Prolitec Inc. v. ScentAir Technology, LLC, C.A. No. 20-984-WCB (D. Del. Oct. 2, 2024), the patentee produced documents about a pre-priority-date sale of prior art after fact discovery closed and just five days before opening reports.

Unsurprisingly, the other side's opening expert report five days later did not include invalidity allegations about this sale.

But the …

AI-Generated, displayed with permission

A perennial question in disputes about late disclosures is whether the demanding FRCP 16 "good cause" standard applies, which hinges on diligence, or whether the more forgiving Pennypack factors apply.

When it comes to case narrowing, there seems to be a building trend that the good cause standard applies, not the Pennypack factors. We've seen that multiple times when it comes to a plaintiff's decision to drop claims, and on Wednesday, Judge Burke issued a detailed opinion finding that good cause is likewise required to revise a defendant's election of prior art references.

In State Farm Mutual Automobile v. Amazon.com, Inc., C.A. No. 22-1447-CJB (D. Del.), the Court ordered the defendant to cut …

Pennypack: Kinda stacked for the late discloser since 1977!
Pennypack: Kinda stacked for the late discloser since 1977! Kim Leary, Unsplash

I hope the Third Circuit one day revisits the Pennypack factors, which are what it directs the lower courts to apply to determine whether late disclosures are subject to sanctions such as preclusion.

The factors can be lenient on parties that are very late in disclosing critical facts. Pennypack sets up a system where, oddly, the more critical the late-disclosed fact is, the later the party can be, and the less likely it is to be excluded. Isn't that backwards?

In practice, the factors often seem to turn on whether there is incurable prejudice, and that can be hard to establish. But a rule that "you …

Lawyers and an expert in an oasis
AI-Generated, displayed with permission

Here's a scenario that can happen in a patent case: The patentee serves an opening expert report alleging infringement. Your expert responds, detailing every reason why the design documents show non-infringment. The patentee then serves a reply expert report, citing new documents that it says show infringement.

What do you do now? There are at least four answers: (1) move for leave to serve a sur-reply report to address the new docs; (2) just serve a sur-reply report, without leave, and fight the inevitable motion to strike; (3) skip the report but have the expert be prepared to discuss the new papers at deposition, and hope plaintiff asks; or (4) just plan to address the new …

There are a few words I dread seeing in an order. Some are obvious—"egregious," "sanctions," "nonsensical," "balding," etc. Others I only learned to fear after seeing them used in an opinion—"valiant," "sporting," "leakage" (don't ask).

In an opinion issued over the blog's break, Judge Williams gave new fuel to the pyre of woe that is my subconscious, and added a new word to my list: IRONY

Sadly, there do not appear to be any public domain pictures of Alanis Morissette, I assume she is a reader though and will send us a replacement image with her blessing shortly.
Sadly, there do not appear to be any public domain pictures of Alanis Morissette, I assume she is a reader though and will send us a replacement image with her blessing shortly. Filip Mroz, Unsplash

Even without the irony, Chervon (HK) Ltd. v. One World Techs., Inc., C.A. No 19-1293-GBW, D.I. 394 (D. Del. Mar. 26, 2024) was an unusually interesting discovery dispute. In that case, the parties agreed to a case narrowing procedure wherein, after final contentions, the defendant was to elect no more than 3 grounds per asserted claim. When the defendant served that election, plaintiff complained that it included grounds that were not charted in the final contentions. In an apparent attempt to moot the issue, the defendant then served (without seeking leave) new contentions that did chart all of the elected grounds. The plaintiff then moved to strike the portions of the election not previously charted and the new contentions in their entirety.

Judge Williams granted that motion, striking most of the elected grounds and all of the new contentions, in particular noting that the defendant had not sought leave to serve them. Unfortunately this left the defendant without any elected grounds for several claims, and so they served a new election of asserted grounds including only grounds which were charted in the original, unstruck contentions (with a bit of a fudge factor). Shortly after service they moved for leave to submit the new contentions, and plaintiff cross-moved to strike them.

Which is where we get to the IRONY of it all ...

"Please, dear Court, don't strike our new argument that totally prejudices the other side." Lampos Aritonang, Unsplash

It can sometimes be tough to decide whether to ask the Court permission, or to just do something. The answer can vary depending on the thing you are doing and the judge.

But certain things clearly require permission. Say, for example, offering a "supplemental" expert report with a new damages calculation almost two years after the reply expert report, and only 19 days before trial:

There is no dispute that MED-EL failed to disclose Barry Sussman’s most recent damages calculations based on survey results (set forth in Paragraph 11 of his Supplemental Expert Rebuttal Report) during the expert disclosure period. Indeed, the …

"Why were we late? Aliens! No wait—bigfoot. I don't know." Albert Antony, Unsplash

We've talked about how, when deciding whether a late disclosure should result in waiver, the Court applies the Third Circuits rather forgiving Pennypack factors.

We've also discussed how you really ought to have a reason for a late disclosure.

On Friday, we saw another example of that in Natera, Inc. v. CareDX, C.A. No. 20-038, D.I. 392 (D. Del. Oct. 6, 2023). Magistrate Judge Burke rejected the idea that a party can just not bother to provide an explanation for its late disclosure:

ORAL ORDER: The Court, having reviewed Plaintiff's motion to strike certain [expert] opinions . . . hereby GRANTS the remaining …