A Blog About Intellectual Property Litigation and the District of Delaware

Entries for tag: Remote Testimony

Mavexar is depicted herein as a crab, per our policy
Mavexar is depicted herein as a crab, per our policy Vincent van Zalinge, Unsplash

Last month, we wrote about the Mavexar-related witness who spent about $44,400 and counting just to avoid a trip to Delaware. Our post was prompted by the Federal Circuit affirming Judge Connolly's order imposing sanctions for her failure to appear in-person (even though, oddly, she agreed to appear remotely) for questioning by the Court related to potential misbehavior by her LLC, its attorneys, and Mavexar/IP Edge.

Well, yesterday the Court set a new hearing date, once again ordering the witness to appear for an in-person examination by the Court:

At Wilmington on this Twenty-third day of August in 2024, having received the Federal …