As we all get ready to drown another pestilential year in champagne and stuffed mushrooms, I thought it might be interesting to look back on how trials have progressed in the district this year as compared to 2020. Without further ado, I present to you the patent trial figures (as near as I can count them being already several mushrooms deep) for 2020 and 2021:
2020 - 8 Bench Trials + 5 Jury Trials = 13 Total Trials
2021 - 10 Bench Trials + 8 Jury Trials = 18 Total Trials
So there you have it folks, things are looking up (at least for patent lawyers who miss their trials), and the many steps the district has taken appear to have paid off.
Happy New Year, dear reader, I raise my next mushroom to your good health and successful trials.
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