![Caution Warning](https://bd6f.s3.amazonaws.com/media/images/bernd-dittrich-DT71hAJoIJM-unsplash.max-640x360.webp)
It's easy to forget. But really, really really, you should move to seal the courtroom when either side is discussing your client's confidential information.
As we've discussed before, the standard for sealing information is harsh. Under the Third Circuit's Avandia opinion, in order to show good cause for a protective order to seal, a party must show "with specificity" that “disclosure will work a clearly defined and serious injury to the party seeking closure.” In re Avandia Mktg., Sales Practices & Prods. Liab. Litig., 924 F.3d 662, 671 (3d Cir. 2019). That can be tough to do.
But you know what is even tougher? Redacting information discussed in open court. Then …